Feel Good Science Daily
Natural Remedies For Epstein-Barr virus
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Effective Remedies for Epstein-Barr Virus - Fibromyalgia and Autoimmune Disorders Browse our blended herbal remedies range to help combat the symptoms of Epstein-Barr Virus -Living with the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) can be challenging, but there's hope in the healing touch of natural remedies. As a fellow fibromyalgia warrior, I understand the struggle, and today, I want to share some powerful solutions that have personally helped me on my journey. Helpful remedies for Epstein Barr.1. High-doses of Vitamin C - A Potent Treatment for EBV:Vitamin C has shown remarkable effectiveness in combating the Epstein-Barr virus. It can be professionally administered intravenously,...
Find Your Feel Good - Thyme Lechlade - Cotswolds
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This acclaimed Spa and Restaurant at the Thyme is stunning! It’s nestled in the quaint Cotswolds village of Southrop next to the River Leach and I am in love with it! Popular with foodies and those looking for a little escape retreat. The reason it’s a particular feel good favourite of mine is because The Meadow Spa is a natural retreat with a spring water non-chlorinated pool (Covid precautions are in place) it also has waterfalls from fossil water and warming benches made out of natural resin to calm and restore. Outside herbal soak baths line the veranda along with...
Find Your Feel Good - Benefits of Olive Leaf Extract
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Find Your Feel Good - Benefits of Olive Leaf Extract reduces cardiovascular risk, like atherosclerosis. lowers blood pressure. helps treats type 2 diabetes. supports weight loss. eliminates free radicals. boosts immunity. fights herpes. reduces inflammation. Effective relief in reducing Fibromyalgia symptoms Is it ok to take Olive Leaf Extract every day? The benefits of Olive Extract can be taken as an herbal remedy tincture or a herbal tea tonic. As it’s a natural plant like like any other fruit or vegetable you might eat there is no official dosage. Studies indicate its health boosting effects occur when taking 500 to...
Finding Your Feel Good - Keep Cool At Night
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I’d like to share my personal feel good, well-being concoctions and tips which I’ve tried, tested and recommend for keeping cool in hot weather at night. May they be helpful in the heatwave for all my dear friends and readers.I have a little cooler bag kept cold by ice packs, in which I have all my "keep cool essentials", that I take to bed with me. I always set aside a few bags of cheap frozen peas for keeping me cool, which I use over and over again by refreezing (I mark the bags with a permanent marker so they...
Finding Your Feel Good - What is EMDR
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www.cognitivetherapy.me.uk EMDR offers new hope for many people who have experienced trauma A recent development in the Cognitive Behavioural treatment of trauma means that people who have suffered for years from distressing memories, nightmares, abuse or other traumatic events can often gain relief from this rapid information processing intervention discovered 16 years ago. EMDR represents a valuable addition to the Cognitive Therapist's armamentarium of techniques, helping people with a wide range of emotional disorders. Research shows that it is fast, safe and effective and does not involve the use of drugs, or hypnosis. When used as an adjunct to Cognitive Therapy...