It began as a curiosity, out of my own frustrations. When I realise I managed to develop products that work and deliver results- I decided to share that with all the busy women out there.
We are all looking for different ways to streamline our day. to make things easier, faster and to be multitasking. So I decided to try and make women's life a bit easier and to have a few minutes available in a day to love and enjoy life- and this is how I came up with the name. AMARE VITA (latin for LOVE LIVE)
Q, How long did it take to develop the brand?
From the very beginning - when I just started to explore the formulas and ingredients -through all the research and development, trials and improvements- until the products were ready - around 7 long years.
It's been a long journey- however very interesting and fulfilling.
Q. What makes Amare Vita different to other skincare brands?
There are many great skincare brands out there. Most of them provide a huge range of products- which makes the consumer so confused. Some are scientific, some based on natural ingredients and with a sustainable approach. Lately, there are even a few brands with a skin-minimalism approach.
Most of the time- we as consumers- find ourselves with too many products- and even if we do all the 20 something steps - we don't really know what is the right order of application or whether the products work well one with another or cancel out the results.
Amare Vita is different, the products are scientific and natural at the same time.
Designed to deliver results without confusion, in a simple minimalistic line up of products.
Our approach is to save money and time for the consumer and we are conscious about the environment.
Q. What are your resolutions to feel good this year?
Firstly- to spend more time with my kids. It has been a crazy year with "new births" with the birth of my new (after 7 years apart) third child, launching a brand and many more.
So hopefully this year will be the year of growth- to enjoy more time with the baby and her siblings (one is just starting his teens' era- hope that will go smoothly). I intend to take time out too for personal fitness, I have began having personal training sessions, so far a good start to 2022!

By Lesley Chivers