Ask An Expert - Jane Pendry

Posted by Feel Good on

She Effect Tinctures - Take Control of Stress and Anxiety

We all need a helping hand in times of stress and anxiety.

There are times we will experience emotional turbulence: hormonal imbalances, work or exam stress and major life transitions. Even seasonal changes can impact our emotional wellbeing.

I have tested and used tinctures developed by She Effect  and find they have been a great support during unexpected times of stress, or when anxiety rises unexpectedly.

She Effect tinctures are now always in my emergency mental first aid kit. If you feel anxiety rising and overtaking you, and your mind feels addled, She Effect  Calm the Hell Down works within minutes. Its my absolute go to in times of stress.

Now generally, I am pretty calm and in control but sometimes, when an emergency rises, or I feel overwhelmed by events. Sometimes, quite unexpectedly, I can feel anxiety rising. I recognise it and I take action. Sometimes I do breathing exercises, or a body scan meditation. And sometimes I take a dose of She Effect  Calm the Hell Down tincture. I haven’t found anything that works quite like it. I can actually feel my heart rate and breathing return to normal, and that bubbly feeling in the stomach settling quickly. However, my mind remains crystal clear. It’s a little more expensive than the other She Effect  tinctures, but its fast acting. Its so reassuring to have it in my self care tool kit. To be honest, I don’t need to use it very often, but I know its there, and I know it works.

I always take She Effect  Calm the Hell Down tincture with me when I travel, and it would make a great gift for anyone going through a major life transition or studying for exams.

To maintain calm during challenging times, I make sure my sleep hygiene is maintained. I avoid the news, or anything too stimulating. I drink a cup of delicious soothing She Effect  Counting Sheep tea, about an hour before bed. I do like chamomile tea, and it works really well to calm the central nervous system before bed, but Counting Sheep works as well, but smells and tastes amazing. I add some drops of She Effect Sleep Well tincture. Then I read for a while. I listen to a relaxing recording or story. So now I have a Sleep Hygiene support kit to help ease me down to sleep.

During challenging times, to help me stay calm and in control for my clients, She Effect  Feel Calm tincture is really helpful.

She Effect tinctures use the power of natural medical adaptogenic plants that enhance mood, and provide all natural, supplementary and therapeutic support.



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