Feel Good Science Super Juice + Tonic

Personalised Boxes of Feel Good-ness!

Boost and invigorate your immunity and vitality with a profoundly effective cocktail of feel good science organic ingredients”

Organic Juices plus Super-Plant Powered Botanical Herbal Teas, Tonics and Tinctures for effective acceleration.

A new super juice and natural remedies, delivery service has launched in Oxford.

We also do the most amazing healthy food grazing tables for vegetarians and vegans.
Super juice and tonic is a method that combines the super powers of super-foods, plants and botanicals that are known for their ability to accelerate and enhance a healthy lifestyle. 

What’s it’s all about? 

Super Juice and Tonic deliver packaged combinations, including Organic Juices and Super-Plant Powered Herbal Teas, Remedies and Tonics made with whole Botanicals. This method is profound effective in accelerating physical and mental invigoration and well-being

Why the combination?
Science has proven this method to show effective acceleration in helping to clear and bring radiance to your skin, detox and kick start a sluggish metabolism and help you find your general feel good!

Why do a super juice programme? 

Give your digestive system a rest, increase your energy, boost immunity and elevated your mood with added super-plant acceleration and effectiveness! 

Why Tonic?

We include super-plant, whole botanical herbal teas, tonics and super blended tinctures with our juice programme boxes. We include tonics, herbal remedies and teas for their profound effectiveness performance. 


Super Juice + Tonics use certified organic ingredients - no pesticides or plastics - packaging is fully reusable and recyclable. 

Our Super Juice and Toxic Menu 

Detox + Boost + Glow - One Day or Beginners 

Contains a mixture of super nutrient-rich root and green juices with herbal teas, tonics and remedies that accelerate the effectiveness of this programme. This juice programme is designed for those new to juicing. It is an excellent kick start forward to healthy eating habits. A detoxifying and refreshingly boosting experience. 

Green Getter! - For The Love Of Green Juice

This is a superbly PH balancing programme. Packed with super powered green juices that detox and help flush toxins from the body accompanied by herbal teas, tonics and remedies which accelerate the effectiveness of this programme.

Great for digestion and kick starting the metabolism as well as boosting immunity and feel good rejuvenation.

Feel Good-ness Elevation - Juice Pro’s

This is full of super charging powers, a fruit-free deep detox to repair and cleanse.

Contains powerfully effective green based juices and our feel good mega shots which help reduce inflammation, clear skin, rejuvenate and replenish the body, boost the immune system and elevate mood. 
Includes our super teas, tonics and remedies which accelerate the effectiveness of this programme.

Our juices are freshly made with organically certified produce and are unpasteurised. They will keep their freshness and nutrients for 3 days only.

What if I’m breastfeeding, pregnant or allergic? 
Always check with your general medical practitioner. We can personalise juices and tonics to these practical requirements. You can CONTACT us directly to request a free consultation. 

What we use in our organic super juices and juice shots

Turmeric, ginger, lemon, cucumbers, celery, romaine, cayenne, beetroot, carrot, apple, kiwi, pineapple, pear, lemon, lime, coconut blossom, orange, coconut water, kale, wheatgrass, spinach, pineapple, Himalayan sea salt, grapefruit.

Organic Super-Herbs we use in our herbal teas, tonics and tinctures

Natural Adaptogenic Botanicals Certified Organic Ingredients Dandelion, Milk Thistle, Cinnamon, Oregano, Rosemary Black Pepper, Black Seed, Turmeric, Ginkgo biloba, Ashwagandha, Passion flower, Skullcap, Lemon balm, Vervain, Oat Seed, Siberian Ginseng, Panax Ginseng, Liquorice, Marshmallow Root, Meadowsweet, Fennel Seed, Peppermint, Fresh Passion flower, fresh Valerian root tincturefresh, fresh Californian Poppy fresh Chamomile, Lavender, Lily, Hibiscus, Lemon Verbena, Orange Blossom, Rose Petals and Borage.

Lets Go! To order your Juice and Tonic Programme, a person Consultation, buy a gift certificate, request a call back or for general enquiries please contact us directly. 


  1. Pick or mix and match a Super Juice+Tonic Wellness Programme 
  2. Decide how many days you would like, 1 day, 3 days or 6 days. 
  3. CONTACT us with these details and pay.

Current Delivery or Pick Up Requests Locations Woodstock Oxfordshire, Wheatley Summertown, Jericho Oxford. Requests accepted from in and around Oxfordshire. More locations to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why use Feel Good Science Super Juice + Tonic?

Super Juice + Tonic gives your mind and body some feel good TLC. Combining the benefits of organic fresh fruit and veg with profound effectiveness of super-plant herbal teas, tonics and remedies. 

We use only the best organic fruit and vegetables in our cold compress juices. We also pride ourselves in providing a great service and profoundly effective, feel good products in partnerships with experts across the Feel Good Science Platform.

Our juices are freshly made with organically certified produce and are unpasteurised. They will keep their freshness and nutrients for 3 days only. 

Which Super Juice + Tonic Programme is for me?

Here is our suggestions based on our juice content.

Vegetable based juices generally give you a deeper detox.
Orange, yellow and golden fruit and vegetables are generally good for boosting immunity.

Deep reddish fruit and vegetables are good for liver and kidneys.

Combining all juices is super effective. For more advice please get in touch. CONTACT 

Dose it work?

Juices have been used in gentle cleansing for millennia. Cold pressed organic fruit and vegetables promote longevity, vitality and peace of mind. Juices are one of the most effective ways to give your digestive system a rest while providing nourishment and sustenance.

And Tonic?

Our juice programmes include super-plant, whole botanical herbal teas, tonics and super blended tinctures in our juice programmes boxes. We include tonics for their profound effectiveness and acceleration in physical and mental invigoration and well-being. Our tonics provide beneficially supportive for the mind be body which along with increasing your water intake, assist the effectiveness of our juices.

Is a 1 day super juice and tonic programme effective?

This is highly effective to prepare you for deeper and longer super-juice programmes. It will still give your mind and digestive system a valuable rest. After a 24 hour programme you will feel good-ness and it will enable you to kickstart healthy lifestyle goals.

How to effectively super juice?

Keep hydrated!  It is normal to feel a little tired during your juice programme so slow down and look after yourself.

Stay clear of foods which may encourage you to binge. Drink plenty of liquids. Eat fresh fruit and vegetables along with foods which are easier for the body to process.

Avoid alcohol, dairy, nicotine, caffeine, processed foods and refined sugars. When you take your juice, sip slowly and make chewing motions with your mouth.

For the best recommended results, ease yourself into light meals such as nutritious soups, smoothies, fruit and steamed vegetables.

We have partnered with Oxshots and She Effect Wellness to launch #findyourfeelgood Super Juice + Tonic Programme Boxes

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